A tooth extraction is the process of removal of the tooth from the supporting structures in the mouth. A tooth may be extracted if it is extremely crooked, decayed or broken down. At Expressions Dental™, we perform minor dental surgeries. Our primary aim is to prevent tooth decay, cavities and provide you with a healthy smile. The dentists will examine the condition of your teeth and provide you with dental solutions to prevent toothache, decay and tooth extraction. When decay badly demolishes the tooth structure, and restoration treatments like fillings and crowns fail to restore deep cavities and damaged teeth, then it may be advisable to have the tooth extracted.
Plaque formation, bacteria and composition of bad food particles in the mouth may form non-repairable cavities that worsen the situation. Depending upon the condition of the mouth, our dentist may suggest extraction of several or all teeth and recommend dentures, bridges or implants.
Your mouth may also suffer from partial eruption of wisdom teeth or complete impaction of the wisdom teeth. This usually happens due to the lack of space in the mouth or the teeth not in an upright position. Impacted teeth fail to emerge at the exact position and become trapped in the jawbone and gums. This can lead to unexpected pain and may result in infections.
After reviewing your dental history and radiographs, if wisdom teeth are not found to be functional, our dentists may suggest early extraction to avoid further problems. Extraction procedures may create minor pain, swelling and bleeding. After surgery we may give prescriptions for medication to help control infection, swelling and discomfort. We also provide you instructions and tips to take care of yourself at home.